

Transportation plans call for a greater number of options for getting around, including public transit, more bicycle and pedestrian networks, and emphasis on improving infrastructure, from bridges and roads to rail lines and piers. Regional councils provide transportation planning including aviation, highway, and transit systems as well as transit operations. Some regional councils are designated Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), meaning they are required by the federal government to provide a continuing, coordinated, comprehensive transportation planning process.

Champaign Urbana Long Range Transportation Plan: Sustainable Choices 2040
Envision HOI Heart of Illinois Long Range Transportation Plan 2015
Kane County 2040 Transportation Plan
Lake County 2040 Transportation Plan
McHenry County 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan
SATS 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan
SIMPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan
Will Connects 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan

Downtown Herrin One-Way Street and Pedestrian Study
The Southern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Organization (SIMPO) commissioned this study to determine what role transportation and infrastructure investment could play in the redevelopment of Downtown Herrin. Click here.

Western Illinois Cooridor Impact Study (Western Illinos Regional Council)
This corridor study was undertaken after reviewing the 2010 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for western Illinois and realizing that six counties had determined the need for a study relating to new interchanges and highway expansions. Click here.

Heart of Illinois HSTP Plan 2016 (Tri-County Regional Planning Commision)