Bi-State Regional Commission is a local, voluntary organization covering five counties and 43 municipalities. The agency serves as a forum for intergovernmental cooperation and delivery of regional programs to assist local governments in planning and project development. Bi-State Metropolitan Planning Commission was created in 1966 through a merger between Scott County Metropolitan Planning Commission, Iowa and the Rock Island County Regional Planning Commission, Illinois. In 1974, the Henry County Regional Planning Commission, Illinois, merged with the Bi-State Regional Commission. In 1976, Mercer County in Illinois and Muscatine County in Iowa also joined Bi-State Regional Commission. Its staff provides assistance with information and resources on comprehensive planning, zoning and subdivision regulations, land use planning, infrastructure and service planning and implementation and annexation studies, including various data and information services.
Contact Information
Denise Bulat, Executive Director
1504 Third Avenue, P.O. Box 3368
Rock Island, Illinois 61204-3368
(309) 793-6300 x1140
[email protected]